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On Call Information Sheet for

Bradley Hindmarsh

Springfield & Staplehurst

Bradley Hindmarsh

Date of birth:

November 29, 1999


Staplehurst House, Staplehurst Road Sittingbourne, Kent


Health conditions:

Bradley has Autism, Asperger’s, Epilepsy with Tonic-Clonic Seizures, a Right Sided Hemiplegia (paralysis) due to a stroke and brain haemorrhage at birth.

Bradley has seizures on average once every 1-2 years. Bradley’s seizures are managed by administering buccal after 5 minutes and calling an ambulance to have Bradley checked over after a seizure has finished. Bradley generally knows when a seizure is about to happen as his legs goes light and feels like jelly.



Carbamazepine Tegretol Liquid 100mg/5ml. 20ml 10:00am and 21:00pm

Buccolam 10mg Oro mucosal Solution Midazolam (PRN)


Behaviour management:

Bradley does not show behaviours often, but when he does, he will generally shout, swear and his posture will become more defensive. Sometimes the individuals can have “banter” and Bradley will need to be advised if he is taking it too far. Bradley listens to prompts around going to his room to calm down and this usually doesn’t take too long. Remove other tenants if Bradley declines to go to his room to calm down.

Last Updated:

Friday, April 28, 2023 at 9:38:23 AM UTC
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